Monday, 28 May 2018

Roll and awnser

Today in maths we played a game called Roll an Answer. It tests the skills we have learnt this year like rounding, place value, addition and subtraction. My group did a board game about place value. Here a photo of my group working out the problems.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Ko Aotearoa toku whenua

Ko Tamaki Makaurau toku toane
Ko Maungahu toku maunga
Ko Tamsen Sea toku moana
Ko Tonga toku waka
Ko Liku toku iwi
Ko Kohe toku papa
Ko Pipiena toku mama 
Ko Tupou toku ingoa

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Country Project

At school we did a Country Studies. I  did the country Jamaica I found out a lot of thing about the country I learnt that the Flag it self means Rich in springs.